Once again it's flash over substance. Live shows it's immaturity when compared to the 2K series. Again.
Once again Live shows it's immaturity when compared to the 2K series. I have to admit that, since making the leap to the next-gen, Live has trumped 2K graphically... but that's just my opinion: 2K's major graphical flaw is probably limited to some player faces. Other than that 2K absolutely wipes the floor with Live... again. I agree with everything gamespot hassaid and, just to be sure, checked out IGN (which has always favored Live) which gave this a score of 6.0. Ouch!
I'm in no position to give an in-depth review as I haven't played the title extensively but the few sessions I had were enough to make me (a college baller) sick. I only need point out two glaring flaws:
1. Horrendous computer AI. Cats don't always cut like they're supposed to, hardly run offensive sets properly (unresponsive?) and the worst offender? Several turnovers simply because teammates DO NOT STAY INBOUNDS. Example: I picked up a quick steal deep in the paint and remembered Carter was somewhere up court. Quick turn and lead pass (he should've had an open lane to the basket ), but whoa... homeboys running the break- OUT OF BOUNDS. Turnover. And this happens repeatedly.
2. How can Kobe miss an open fadeaway in the paint? Repeatedly? I'm talking 1 for 4?
This game is the equivalent of a videogame blonde- dumb as all hell but nice to look at. If that's what you're into, hey...
I'm glad to see they finally fixed the skating issue tho.
PS: Some pro-live reviewer's solution to the field-goal percentage problem:
"STOP DUNKING ON EVERY PLAY. I gaurantee if a player tried to dunk 14 times in a quarter, he'd miss atleast 6 dunks."
FYI, the dunk is the HIGHEST percentage shot in the game of basketball. If a half decent player had an open dunk he'd knock put it down 9 out of 10 times. Have you never heard coaches or commentators say "always put down WITH TWO HANDS" or in the playoffs "no layups"? There's a reason homes.