A pretty good game, not as good as 2k though.

User Rating: 7 | NBA Live 07 XBOX
NBA Live 07 is a fairly decent game. I first started out with the 2k series, from NBA 2k6 to 2k7, but I decided to try Live 07.

It's got it's ups and downs, and I'll start with the ups: The voicing is great, that's one of the big differences between 2k and Live. 2k just keeps on repeating and repeating for every player. But what Live does is that they include some personal information about certian players.

The bad - I've noticed that whenever the players are in motion, they move slo-mo like. There is a way to fix it with the turbo button, but it doesn't make much of a difference. Also, the quality is pretty poor.

Anyway, if I take all that I've said, I think a dead 7 would be the perfect score for NBA Live 07.