DJ's review of NBA Live 07
First off, the graphics are beautiful, and are probably the best in a basketball game yet. Players look like themselves, arenas are done nicely, and they have nice cinematics. Unfortunately, this is where the game stops being good.
The gameplay is horrid complete with bad controls. The only gameplay I liked was the slam dunk contest. Unfortunately, the controls were so bad, the contest is impossible to win. Collision is bad. You'll notice players can move through one another while crossing over and dunking. No matter the difficulty or the score, you can bet every game goes down to the last second. The AI is so weird that you can be ahead by 20 points with only 2 minutes left, and you'll end up winning by only 2. Animations are bad too. I also had a problem shooting 3s with the best players in the league.
At least the presentation is top notch.The announcers (if you can ever hear them) are a nice touch. The soundtrack is mediocre at best.
It's pretty safe to say that NBA 2k7 is the only simulation game as in past years to get.Avoid Live at all costs.