NBA Live is back Baby!
Now of course this game is not perfect, in fact its far from it, but its an improvment from last year and thats all that counts. Now that being said, last years game was awesome. This game is going to be a lot of fun to play this season and I cant wait.
One area that I saw that needs work is the replays. Ok,yes there are some flaws but what game doesnt have them. I decided to shut replays off and it eliminated the problem. As long as it dont mess with gameplay im ok with it.
I have also noticed that fouls are down but with minor adjustments in AI that can be changed. The whistles are absent some times in games which is annoying, but who knows an update can fix that.
Overall, the graphics are better than 2k, gameplay is great, commentary is greay, and 365 is cool! So what do you have to lose go get your copy today.