NBA Live 2003 is a solid game that is perfect for all basketball fans.

User Rating: 8.7 | NBA Live 2003 XBOX
NBA Live 2003 is a solid game that easily shows you the strategy of the game of basketball. In NBA Live, you control your basketball team during games, but inbetween games, you become the manager. NBA Live lets you take an actual NBA team or you can create you own players and team. There is a season mode in which you play a series of games just like in real life. At the end of the season, there are playoffs and players are given awards based on their performances that season. The grapics in NBA Live are on par, but they could be improved. The player models do resemble their real life counterparts pretty well. The stadiums and arenas are realistic and look like the actual stadium. The crowd is the hardest part of a game to make realistic and is always a downside to the graphics in any sports game, and NBA Live is no exception. The sound in NBA Live isn't as good as the rest of the game. The commentators have plenty of lines, so there isn't too much repitition. The game also allows you to give your created players a nickname which allows the announcers to actually adress you character by his nickname instead of 'player 1'. The crowd sounds good and has certain instances in which it sounds like a real crowd. The gameplay in NBA Live is simple enough. You navigate through menus to access your next game in the season and then you start to play. The in game controls are fairly simple as well. NBA Live includes the right thumbstick into the game for somthing other than the camera. Moving the right thumbstick one way will execute a certain dribbling move while you have possesion of the ball, while moving it a different way will perform something totally different. Also, moving the thumbstick in a half or full cirlce will also perform dribbling moves.This allows for much easier ball control while on the court that simply using buttons for each move (which you can do if the Freestyle Control doesn't suit you). NBA Live is a solid basketball game with no major flaws that should be added to your collection no matter if you are a die hard basketball fan or not.