NBA Live 2005 is another quality sports title from EA Sports. But, it's nothing spectacular.

User Rating: 6.6 | NBA Live 2005 XBOX
Overall, NBA Live 2005 is a fine game. It's not too tough to figure out and the gameplay makes it a fun and challenging experience. As with all EA Sports titles, the game does a fine job of trying to mimic the nuances of the sport in real life. In that sense, it's a rather realistic game. I won't knock EA, because I think they've set the standard, however, ESPN is beginning to give them a run for the money, especially when it comes to presentation. Compared to the ESPN NBA title, the graphics and overall presentation of NBA Live 2005 is somewhat dated. It's kind of a "last year's" kind of thing. It's been done before and isn't all that impressive compared to last year's title. Nothing much is new, except for some old faces in new places. But, other than that, it's pretty much the same. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, I just think they need to make some major improvements in the overall presentation next year.