NBA Street V3 cool and innovative stuff like the Trick-stick,dunk contests,samebreakers,etc. That make it very cool.
Creating your own character can be very fun, since this game has a lot of things for customizing. You can make your character skinny,fat,tall,short etc.
It is up to you. The V3 store has great jerseys, shoes,headgear,jewlery,tatoos,etc. And you can get incredible RBK stuff.
The gameplay is very cool, the trick-stick can help you to make the best moves and make your oponent look foolish. You can make some overwhelming dunks,alley-oops, lay-ups and log-range shots. Fill your Gambreaker meter doing tricks and dunks and get the chance to make a gamebreaker shot or dunk. Gambreakers let you score from 2 to 4 points in only 1 shot. In gamebreaker dunks you can make mid-air tricks and pass it to your ally to make more tricks and score more points.
Dunk contests are really cool. It is like a gamebreaker dunk. You will need the best dunkers around to make impressive moves. You can also place a prop an jump over it to store tons of points, but be careful if you hit the prop you will get the minimum score.
NBA street V3 is a great and highly recommendable game even for those who don’t like the NBA or hate basketball.