Foosball isn't the devil, this game shows you why.

User Rating: 8.8 | NCAA Football 06 PS2
NCAA Football takes you to a game, that's pure, it doesn't revolve around million dollar contracts, pimped out rides, and sweet cribs. It revolves around what once made these players play football, the love of the game.
In NCAA Football there has been a major advancement in the Game Modes with the Race for the Heisman feature this year. This mode starts out as you playing a high school recruit and and the ability you show in the combine detrmining where you can go to school. So you get to school, and your goal is to pile up stats and prove yourself a worthy Heisman candidate. You start in a dorm room where you get everything you need to know about your team and the Heisman race. The graphics in this game are pretty solid, nothing outstanding but it gives you a good feel for the game. The soundtrack in this game is pretty good and gets me pretty pumped up for the game. It's all around a great game.
This year's edition of NCAA Football proves to be a surefire hit with any football fan, it shows up Madden this year with its killer new gameplay feature Race for th Heisman, that eventually left me wanting more of these kind of sports games out there.