Lives up to the hype

User Rating: 8.9 | NCAA Football 07 PS2
To start NCAA 07 has its ups and downs. One of the best ups is the overall gameplay, anyone remember in 06 trying to lay the big hit on the receiver up the middle but miss in 07 its more like the fell of madden...another big up is the revampted Heisman mode which is now campus legend...this year you can tell the difference right at the start, you dont just run one drill and are ready to start, you run a series of position oriented drills (ex. qb's- pass skelton, option attack, pocket presence, wr.- route running, pass skelton, punt and kick returns) you get the picture...then you go to a calander like the one in madden superstar, after the summer camp you add your skills not like last year when it was picked for you and depending on how you preform in summer camp the more points you have. then you pick a list of schools no more walk on to any school if the school isnt interested you cant go there. then you pick a major which can be anything from mascot names to advanced math, this is big becuase if you dont matain 2.0 gpa you are ineligble...then you have pratices, classes and after school activities you can choose from...its pretty much just like madden superstar mode. I could go on and on about this mode but there is more more 500-0 games and you can just roll out of the pocket and throw it up and have your receiver come down with it everytime

Now for the bad....The sounds are pretty much just like last year execpt with a few more likes in-game but pregame and post game are the same. The new kick off cam is nice cause you cant score ever time...but for punts you can see who is comming from the sides. Plus it really isnt worth $50.00 but with no one to compete with for college football games that can afford to do this (but most of us cant)

But all in all this game is worth the money if you love college football