Once you get passed the amazing visuals, unless this is your first NCAA game you'll feel a little empty.
The game itself looks beautiful, (except for the weather) and everyone can agree that on an HDTV this is the best looking football game to date. The sound is about equally as good, except for the audience. Gameplay-wise nothing here has changed much if at all from the previous incarnation of NCAA 06 on the Xbox and PS2. There are added plays and the in game action feels a lot more inclusive, (you'll now want to work every position sometimes not just the QB) and every option is detailed. However besides the actual on field time the game suffers many blows, missing campus legend mode, spring training and other features included in the last gen consoles.
If you're a hardcore NCAA veteran who only cares about the franchise mode or on field time or are new to the NCAA series then this is the game for you. If your a casual football game fan who played last years NCAA for the Xbox or PS2 you may find yourself dissapointed and even bored with this bare-boned presentation from EA, in which you may want to wait until Madden 07 for the 360 comes out or play a last gen version of the game.