The first true Next-Gen Football game has arrived. Enjoy!
User Rating: 9 | NCAA Football 07 X360
Before I picked up this game I was still HURTING from Madden 06(360). So you can say I was still recovering. Now Dont take this review as Im forgetting what EA did to us back in November with Madden. I urge all gamers to NEVER FORGET the disaster that was Madden 06. Message to EA Sports "We Will Never Forget". That being said its time to move on. And to better things at that. NCAA 07 is a treat for our sore football hearts. Im sure you all know the huge amount of features are not there but what casual and i say casual not hardcore, what casual football gamer needs "Race for the Heisman" anyway, we just want to play some NCAA Football damn it. Plus my review is in no way based on the current gens offerings. We are in TWO different generations. As is NCAA 07 my review is built from the ground up. First off I want to say that the Graphics are amazing, thow a small glich in the snow offering but other than that the graphics are flawless, you will never see (until next year) a better looking football game. Your eyes will have a beutiful feast and you will have fun looking as well as playing on graphics alone. The animations are crisp and thow not flawless but they are right on the money with animations popping at you like youve never seen before. The stadiums are top notch and the fields are a thing of beauty. The gameplay is the best to date. There is no NCAA football game out there now or in the past that plays better than this, believe it. The momemtum meter could have used some work but is a nice touch. The controls are different in a way you will never go back to past control setups. The sounds is top notch, esp. turned way up, see for yourself, its great! I have to say the more real the football game, the better. On the 'real' factor this game is an 11 out of 10. Enjoy.