for the first iteration of the ncaa football series on the xbox 360, ncaa 07 is surprisingly good.
User Rating: 9 | NCAA Football 07 X360
For the first iteration of the ncaa football series on the xbox 360, ncaa 07 is surprisingly good. Every year Ea releases a new ncaa football game, and each year each game is only a little bit better than the last one. But the step up to next gen, really does make the game look a million times better. The animations, are sometimes flawed and you will see a guy get tackled by a tackler, and the tackler is 5 yards away from the ball carrier, this doesn't happen often but if your really particular about this stuff then.... The game plays perfectly, and fits very well to the 360 contoller. I figured out how to play in on my first 4 downs witht eh football. Its a good buy, especially, because i picked it up for only 15 dollars, used, a couple of days ago, and have already gotton 500+ achievment points, and most of them can be achieved in 2-3 five minute games.