EA Sport's debut with college football on the Xbox 360 is a solid, fun performance.
The dynasty does not, has not, and never will get old. It is amazing like every year. The only real feature is dynasty, so its good that its so much fun. It is missing campus legend which really stinks, but it can be worked around. Although the dynasty mode has great replay, if you dont like it, too bad.
The living stadiums are awesome. The crowd is sitting and depressed in the 4th quarter as your are losing by a field goal. You set for your play, and BOOM you intercept. The second that ball hits your hands, the crowed seamlessly jumps up and screams. It is very neat and for what stadiums have it, it is fun to use. But, most stadiums dont have a stadium. EA got lazy and made a generic stadium and used it for the smaller teams. You will notice Montana State and FAMU have the same stadium. After a bit of guesswork, you are realize how EA has ripped you off if you are a fan of one of those teams.
There are a few glitches, none major, but they are still annoying. Bouncing off tacklers, falling to the ground and all of a sudden jumping back up instantly and making the tackle. Like I said, these aren't huge, just weird.
There are three new mini games. Bowling, Tug-of-War, and Option Dash. Bowling is where you start on the 10 yard line. You get two chances to score. Score on the first, you get a strike. On the second you get a spare. Fun and creative. My favorite is Tug-of-War. You start on the 50 and you switch off offense then defense then offense again. You must move down the field play by play. Then they get a chance to go towards their endzone. It is literally like tug of war. It is very entertaining.
This is a great debut for a new console even with the bugs. Graphics are amazing, what stadiums they have really come to life, and the game is so addicting. Anybody who likes football, college or not, should purchase this game.