Best Game Ever?
User Rating: 10 | NCAA Football 07 XBOX
YES! this is the best game I have ever played. The game play is as close as you’ll get to playing on a football field without actually playing in the game yourself. The sound is great the graphics are superb and the game play is outstanding. My friends and I will spend nights playing this. The ONLY knock on this game is that fumbles happen a ‘lil too much. This isn’t a big problem because if you fumble the other team is likely to fumble also, so it all evens out in the end. College Football doesn’t stop after the BCS games are over. In fact it never stops with this game!!
Like in ‘06 there are greatest games and a mode for your player. The rosters are pretty close to the real people. Pennants are quite easily accumulated. My profile with ALL the pennants was somehow deleted by a friend but I’ve already managed to get them all back in about 4 days. This is the PERFECT game for people who love College Football and Love playing against other people.