Kiddie City Football 2008!!!

User Rating: 2.5 | NCAA Football 07 X360
1.) Worst animations in Sports gaming to date. Madden a close second. These animations are horrible. You almost HAVE TO deal with them. They suck you right out of 1 animation into another. No fluidity from 1 to the other. It's either this or that. 2.) Worst A.I. in Sports gaming to date. The A.I. performs in this game cluelessly. What's worst, is you have to deal with those horrible animations while playing amongst horrible A.I. ex: Your CB/S is closing in on a deep ball. You take control of him so you can USER INT. Well, in comes that animation that makes him look like he's intercepting the pass 3 yards away from the WR who catches it and runs for a score. (insert cursing here)

3.) 1 play offenses. 1 play defense. Offenses consist of either QB's turning, running the opposite direction, then hurling completions 40 yds downfield. Or simply chucking the ball deep into double and triple coverage for completions. Defenses consists of: Whomever you play against online will use the same defense the entire game. What's sad, is no matter who it is, your offense just can't work. Play against 5 defense online using your offensive schemes, they won't work. The A.I. overpowers everything defensivley, UNLESS, you chuck it deep. Then it's hope for hope. 4.) Same pathetic graphics, even on 360. Player models look like crap. 5.) Computer cheats still. Unrealistic gameplay when losing big, or behind and needs 1st downs, or a stop. You're guaranteed to fumble 90% of the time. 6.) Entirely too many dropped passes by Impact WR's. It's all out ridiculous. 7.) Home team players lose rating points before the freakin kickoffs!! Where does EA come up with this foolishness?!?!?

EA, just stop making Sports games!! You are a joke, and the laughing stock of the videogaming Industry. All of your games are set for 6 year old kids. Hardcore gamers don't want any part of this trash.