NCAA Football is back under the lights for the '07 season, and it remains largely unchanged, which is not a bad thing.

User Rating: 8.2 | NCAA Football 07 PS2
NCAA Football 07 is my own personal indicator that my favorite sports season, football season, is just beginning. The smell of the grass, the cheering fans, marching band playing in full force, two teams playing the ultimate team sport, a sport where everyone must do their job in order to succeed...all of these factors lead to my personal love of this game. I love basketball too, but right now, basketball is the furthest thing from my mind. Anywho, on to why you are here...the review. To start off, its very obvious that EA subscribes to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality when it comes to this college sports series. Each year is typically just a tweaked version of the year before, with updated rosters and some new features chucked in to make you feel like the new version is worth your money. And, if you love the game of football and EA's version of it as much as I do, it will be. However, this year's game adds a little more than most, and best of all, the new features are actually fun and worth a look.

HIGH POINTS: Graphics: The graphics have always been really solid, and they continue to be. That said, they don't look any different then last year's. Sound: Awesome. The crowd sounds great, the fight songs are recorded in all their historic glory, and the tension rises in big rivalry games. However, on the downside, I wish they would have included rock and hip hop songs in the menus like they did in last years game. That way you could choose to listen to either the licensed tracks, or just the fight songs, depending on your mood.
Gameplay/Modes: Well, if you've played NCAA 06, you've played this game. Defense is pretty easy to score on, and offense has all the weapons. However, Special teams have been amped up some, and adds some interest to these times. There's even a 3rd person camera option on blocking kicks, and a mandatory thrid person view (in single player games) when you return kicks, which sucks. Sure, its cool at first because you see the opposing players bearing down on you right before you catch the ball, and it can be pretty intense, but after that wears off, you are left trying to run back a punt with tunnel vision and no idea whats going on a yard left or right of your player. I know its an attempt to make the game feel more real, but a "real" player can turn his head...right? Next, the Campus Legend mode is a variation of Race for Heisman mode of last years game, but it involves more things, like choosing a major and taking tests and choosing what to do with your free time. I actually think this mode is better than last years Heisman mode, even though daily practices get tedious and really dont effect the game to a great effect. I usually sim them. Finally, the spring drills mode is alot of fun, and brings in those fun mini-modes from the Madden Franchise of football games to where they have been sorely need for a while now. Very fun for a quick play. The momentum meter is cool too, without being too overpowering to the gameplay.

LOW POINTS: I've already touched on alot of them already, but I'll quickly summarize again. First, defense is weak. I know everyone hated '05 cuz the defense was too tough, but this 54-37 crap is ridiculous. Is there no middle ground? Second, wish this one had the option of licensed tracks and fight songs. Last year had that option, and it kept things fresh. All fights songs gets OLD! I've heard the same ones since NCAA '02! They almost NEVER CHANGE!! I mean, I love 'em, no lie, but I like choices. Thirdly, the third person camera needs to go. Nice try guys, but at least give players the CHOICE of using it or not. Its fun sometimes, but not ALL THE TIME ON RETURNS! Sheesh. FInally, the gameplay itself, besides the momentum meter and a few new celebration moves, remains the same. So, whatever beef you had with last year's game, well, you'll still have them this year. Trust me. Well, at least CB's OCCASIONALLY jump to contest a ball thats in the air, instead of letting the reciever jump over them and catch it right over them. I like that.

THE SCOOP: Very good. I have some beefs with this game, but overall, they are pretty minor. Video games will probably never be like actually football (maybe one day...), so people will always be mad about one thing or another in that regard. However, the gameplay is rock solid in this game and the best in the market by far. ...Well, I guess they have the "exclusive license" the market stuff doesn't mean much anymore, but still... If you have loved this series for a while, and your reading this just to make sure the series is still good, rest assured, it is. You will love this game. And if you are anything like me, you will play it a ton, pretend your favorite team is the best team in the nation and only two years away from a national cahmpionship (go Oklahoms State Cowboys! #1!!). And best of all, this game means that College and Pro Football is just around the corner...SWEET!!!