very nice a lil bit better then what i expected
Gampelay: this is the best gameplay from a NCAA Football game i have seen ever their are a bunch of animations and the game isnt 2 slow or 2 fast and it isnt as hard 2 find what diffuclty mode is just right for you as it has been in the past
Modes: The modes this year in NCAA 08 are Campus Legend, Dynasty, Minigames (tug of war,opition dash,bowling the same from last years game on the 360), and practice Campus Legend- in this mode You make a High School player and finish out the playoffs you pick ur High School and you choose a Deafult Jersey i really wish you could coustimise the Jerseys but u cant so anyways u play thru the playoffs and when you when state u go 2 the Biggist College stadium in the state that you are in and after that game you get to choose what college you go 2 but some colleges like USC you could be all the way back to a 5th string but lower calliber schools such as Hawiaa you could be starting. so you chose to go to USC a Calander is what you go by first you have class which you do nothing then their is practice so say your in practice and ur 5th string you mayb need 30 points to become 4th string and mayb 50 points to become 3rd string you worke ur way up till u are 1st string how do u get the points you might ask in practice you get points by scoring a TD, getting a first down,breaking a takle, juking some1 etc. after practice is evening event you have diffrent oppitions like for ex. your trainer wants you to lift but you already have plans with your gf you can either lift which will raise up strength or have the nite with ur gf which will raise up your popularity and occasionly you can lift then spend time with ur gf but u get nothing out of that becuz ur trainer will keep you late. In games you are only allowed to play your possition so say if your QB you will only throw the ball and after the WR catches you stay in controll of the QB. Overall Campus legend if fun for your freshman year but after that it gets repatitive
Dyasty Mode- This is ver diffrent from last year or any years dynasty mode with a new and inproved recruting system that is amasing new with it is you can promise things to players if they come to your school, you find what is good about your school and see what they like and talk on the fone to them about it. The new on Dynasty mode if very awsome you have to look for your self dont want to spoil it.
so basicly this game should last till madden so for any football fans it is a must buy even if u havnt played any of the other NCAA football games