Note to self: stop buying games made by EA. There is a good reason this company is getting such a bad reputation: this game is not up to next gen standards. They've taken out options from previous, old x-box titles...why?? so they can keep asking us to pay full price for a 'patch' every year. I'm hoping my enjoyment level will go up with this game, but so far I'm very dissapointed: games like bioshock show us what is really capable graphics wise with the 360 and expose how much better looking this game could be if they got innovative. Instead, I'm playing a game where they think changing the control scheme around and a few other minor changes are going to convince gamers like me that I'm getting a good deal. I hate the standard control scheme and it's a pain in the rear to go and change everything back to the way I'm familiar with (not only that, but I'm having difficulty changing some ball carrier options like the juke) The frame rate is glitchy and locks up momentarily between plays, and simple things like putting your name in during create a player are annoying because the stick runs through the letters too quickly. I can't say enough how badly put together this game is in relation to what we used to have. EA, count me out of your future products, I'm done with you until I start hearing what will have to be great things about future games at this point. Update: glitches continuing (game freezes for several seconds in single player) and there is no way to change the duke stick. I'm giving up on this junk; the control scheme is pathetic.
By callmeageeth | Review Date: Jul 17, 2007 | X360
College football fans will find enough substance to make this game worthwhile and pleasurable. The addition of dynasty mode (it is so deep) makes this game a winner to me. But I love this game because I love college fo... Read Full Review
If you’re looking for a good, honest, non bias review you've found the right one. The time of year has come again, where we start craving the leaves to start turning colors and we can smell football in the air again. EA... Read Full Review