
User Rating: 6.5 | NCAA Football 09 X360
I'm not too sure about the 2009 version of NCAA. I have always been a fan of this now long running series, but I find myself wondering if the next gen versions are any better than last gen's. It seems to happen way too often that the computer will come through on third and longs, late comebacks, or penetrating the line to get to your QB when you need to get a pass downfield for a first down. I've always believed that playing on Heisman level is the only real way to play this game, as the other levels are too easy; but instead of making Heisman difficulty, more difficult for the player, they instead make it easier for the computer, which is not the same thing to me. Breaking tackles, and juking more effectively is one thing, but never dropping any passes, overpowering lines, neverending/unbeatable blitzes, and unreal awareness by the secondary which leads to way too many picks are all too much of a difference from All-American difficulty to Heisman difficulty. I know there are sliders to adjust to taylor to each player, but should I really have to do that? Should anyone? The differences are just too dramatic from one level to another. And let's not forget about ice the kicker, which is impossible to make if you are beyond 10 yards. I had a field goal land in the back right corner of the end zone on a 4 mph wind, on which I didn't move the direction meter whatsoever...a little too effective don't ya think? This might be the first time I actually recommend Madden over NCAA.