Now EA cant even get the roster updates right!
Not only on this version, but the next gen versions as well, whoever EA has punished with making the roster updates for each year has really royally screwed things up, because not only are the rosters NOT acurate, but in some cases didnt even include freshmen in many teams like VT! This is simply the sorriest excuse for a $40 moneygrab I have ever seen. I mean, most of us know what we are getting into with these games, but the NCAA fans are much more knowledgeable of their sport than Madden fans and we need might even go to great lenghts to rename our rosters and maybe tweak a few stats here and there, but this is simply outrageous.
The least EA could have given us is a little respect with a proper finished product to the gamers like me that cannot afford to upgrade to a next gen system, but even they got the shaft!