By George I believe EA finally got it!!!
Gameplay looks and feels real even the presentation makes me wanna go to a University of Michigan game....GO Wolverines!!!
No huddle offense is a great feature this year you really have to think on your feet just like in real life!!!
Player control is the best I have ever seen to date, you have the benefit of using the right analog stick for special moves but you will not find yourself using it because of the classic spin move and stiff arms.
Locomotion is New this year and I can see the difference between this year's title and previous titles no more robotic looking players!!!
Players do not run out of bounds like previous year's of NCAA and Madden they actually try to stay in bounds....can you say twinkle toes!!!
Atmosphere and presentation are authentic and makes you feel like your watching the game live on ESPN....Thumbs UP people!!!
Commentary could be more authentic, the presentation is somewhat off between plays, overall still needs work.
Fumble's, there are at least 2 to 3 fumble's per game but only if you choose to make stupid plays or hand off/pass to the wrong player you get fumbles and interceptions by the decisions you make....This brings me to this next point "Very Realistic."
I personally don't really care for Dynasty mode or TeamBuilder this review is strictly for expedition modes and online ranked or unranked matches....There is no lag depending on your connection.
At this point in time I have noting bad to say about the game but If EA keep's this up this could potentially be a Madden Killer!!!
So real talk I am not here to lie or lead anyone on when I say If you don't have NCAA 11 you need to seriously consider buying this year's installment!!!