Horrible, buggy, broken mess
The controls are unresponsive - the game loves to funnel your character in any direction it damn well pleases, user input be damned.
The graphics look previous-gen, and the character models are horribly outdated. This is 2012 fellas, you can't fool the gaming public with 2005 models.
There are numerous bugs and broken features that make it clear that this was just another ploy by EA to vacuum money from their consumers. Just as an example of a couple that I have encountered:
The number one ranked team in the NCAA was called "Heisman" - I had no idea such a school existed. The game suffers from frequent freezes and on at least one occasion got itself stuck in a cutscene loop so I had to restart the system.
It's a bland, lifeless and joyless game to behold; Don't bother with it.