User Rating: 6.2 | NCAA Football 2005 XBOX
The 2005 release of EA's NCAA Football series marks the first time I've seen a game so popular actually take a step back between releases. There are quite a few nice changes and additions, but just enough disappointing characteristics that the 2004 edition is a far superior game. First, starting with the good stuff. The graphics and presentation are as sharp as ever. One of the best new features is the player composure rating. Based on a player's game performance, his overall rating can go up or down through the course of a game. OK, now the bad stuff. For some reason, the speed of the gameplay is quite a bit slower in 2005 and that took some serious getting used to. Also, the passing game is alot more difficult than in 2004. In past versions, passing way too easy, but 2005 has gone completely to the other extreme. Most passes find their way into triple (and often more) coverage, as the defensive backfield flocks to the ball at breakneck speed. And in instances where the receiver is open, unless both he and the QB have 90+ ratings, more often than not, the pass will be dropped. Unfortunately, I'll be spending the forthcoming fall, winter, spring, and summer playing NCAA 2004 and hoping that EA will stay with what works and repair what alot of people out there are saying does not.