This game was so visually dim that, like a Lovecraftian protagonist, I was forced to sit in the near-dark squinting at the screen and muttering blasphemous phrases to myself. Many of the puzzles herein are so tangential, so baroque and so fiendishly complex that, like a barely literate lovecraftian local, I was reduced to staring at a walk through reciting the same simple sentences over and over again. By the time I got to the game breaking bug about 75% of my way through, I was questioning my sanity. Finally after spending time downloading a 2011 French save to bypass the bug, I cackled like an insane academic holed up in a Providence asylum. The genius of this game I only grasped by the end - if you truly played this game without help or support the consequences are equivalent to actually poring over the necronomicon in real life - severely dire....for the sake of your sanity leave this game alone and don't play it - it is a game that man was never meant to play.....I beg you!!!!!
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