Meh. All I can say after I've hyped up this game so much. In the end, all I got was a disappointing game.
Umm....not really.
This game is Most Wanted, except it's missing the fun aspect of Most Wanted. Cop chases are worthless, and the atmosphere feels so boring.
Ok, the story. Well...Its boring. Boring upto a point, that i forgot it ( played the game early 2007 ) . All I remember is you win races against different groups, and eventually you go to a canyon and face off against the "boss".
The new canyons were...somewhat fun I guess... They were more "pain in the ***" than fun. I really liked the canyon at first, but I eventually got bored of it. It wasnt really adding anything new to the series.
Everything else kinda feels the same as MW, but this game is nowhere near as close as how much fun I had playing MW.
Overall...This game was a big disappointment to me.