A great street racer!
User Rating: 9 | Need for Speed Carbon X360
This game is very, very easy for the most part, then it gets just a little bit difficult at the end. The races are similar to the previous games except for the canyon and new drifting. The career mode lasts for a while but it won't take you too long, but to unlock everything in the game will take you ages, possibly 50 hours or more. The online multiplayer is great! The addition of co-op missions online, pursuit knockout and pursuit tag make the online very enjoyable. The graphics are nice and smooth, but this time around they made the graphics a bit cartoony, possibly to be a little bit like Initial D style. The cars sound awesome and the music fits in well, although i haven't really payed much attention to it. Overall, i like this game and it will keep me occupied for a long time until Forza 2 comes out.