An all-around good racing game that won't disappoint you.
- Cut scenes look as real as you can get for CGI.
- The graphics are beautifully acceptable. Even though they aren't as good on the Wii as other console versions, they won't disappoint you.
- Team racing in single player mode: have your buddy do your dirty work for you.
- Customization is deep and awesome. You'll spend hours at a time pimping your ride.
- Tweaking the performance on your car is a breeze, you don't have to know jack about engines or transmissions.
- An impressive amount of unlockables. You've got to work for these.
- Muscle cars. I know that doesn't sound too impressive, but I've played racers before that had nothing but rice rockets and that really burned me up.
- Races are challenging. Don't expect to walk through this one.
- Cop chases are exhilarating and fun.
- The main character chick is really really really hot.
-Even though you may control a territory, rival gangs will sometimes challenge you to a match, which means you get to participate in meaningful races after you own the town.
- The controls. This is why the Wii version gets bad press, but I think the control scheme in this game is great. There are 5 different control setups to choose from, so if you can't find something you like there must be something wrong with you.
- The amount of cars. I would have liked to see more models and more makes, you really don't get a vast selection. You really only need 3 cars for your career. And you'll only be able to afford three cars unless you are hell-bent on earning cash.
- Races can be too hard. Boss challenges can be frustrating. To complete all the races you are forced to do a wide variety of race challenges. Which normally wouldn't be so bad, but I hate drifting.
- While there are a lot of unlockables, you have to play a lot to get them all, and I mean a lot.
- Getting challenges from rival gangs later can add to replay, but by the time you're done with the game and have a maxed out car these bouts over territory will feel like child's-play.
- No online play. Why God... why?
This is a solid racing title, whether you're a fan of the series or someone who. I enjoyed it and I'm sure you will too.