Xbox 360 version dissapoints very much.
1) Graphics even on PC wasn't so good - on 360 it's a ugly racer with dirty textures (32" crt @ 1080i). Guys who developed Carbon for 360 just forgot to enable antialiasing. There are constant framerate issues on console. I didn't notice any problems with frames per seconds on my pc even at max settings, and my PC was old P4 with GF5900 AGP card.
2) Sound. Dirty. Didn't enjoy it on my 5.1 homecinema system at all. Compering to Forza 2, PGR3, even ProStreet, it's a big shame.
3) Gameplay. AI is dumbest of all I've ever so in NFS series. Ai plays very aggressively, unsportingly. Catchup system isn't good at all. Even at max speed with enabled nitrous AI players overtake you easy. This is very irritating.
Have noticed that NFS series have constant problems on consoles. The latest example is Undercover with its framerate issues etc.
Shame on you, EA!