this is one of the best cop chasing racing games ever!

User Rating: 9.2 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 PS2
this game is the best need for speed game ever made, a very enjoyable experience for anyone.

gameplay: the variety in tracks ain't that great, but for some reason it doesn't matter it's still lotsa fun. it really is quite fun and tense when you hits a roadblock and cops are on your tail, or trying not to spinout when a cop is bashing into you. cop modes are lots of fun and they are very original ideas that keep the experience fresh. you really get the feel that you are actually being chased by cops especially when you hear the police talking on your police scanner.

graphics: the environments in this game look wonderfull, especially when you're racing in a froested area and you see the reflections of trees on your car. when you're in the sun your car has that trademark shine to it which adds alot of authentication, the people you see when you are busted are well animated and have very natural movements. nothing ever goes wrong with the framerate, it always stays perfect.

sound: everycar pretty much has their own horn and certain cars sound different when you start up, for example the porsche careera gt has a really discint sound that is sweet. the voice acting on your police is very realistic, and the guy that say "BUSTED" really greaces it up in a good way. the tire screeching sounds are a wonder to the ear and so is the forein sounds of rocky terrains.

this game is quite awesome and if you are ps2 owner you should pick up this game as soon as you can.