This game is phenomenal. It is a mixture of the first three NFS games on Gamecube (Hot Pursuit 2, NFSU, NFSU2). I love HP2 and NFSU but I was discouraged when NFSU2 was so cruddy. The useless advertising is mostly gone except for the occasional Burger King but that just adds realism to me. I also was ticked with the fact that in NFSU2 you had to find the different shops to get certain parts which I found extremely tedious. In Most Wanted you can go to any of the "One Stop Shops" to paint your car, put vinyls on it, change the wheels, change any performance parts, add body kits, add spoilers, basically anything and everything that you want to in one shop. Now on to the gameplay. The racing is great just like the other NFS games although the AI does jump around a little from super easy to more than formidable. The addition of cops is extremely fun. I mean who doesn't want to blast into a police driven SUV in your Lamborghini Gallardo at 220 mph? I love the fact that the police seem to evolve as they go through the different heats. Level 1: Normal Patrol Cars Level 2: Undercover partol cars that are faster and more agressive, roadblocks Level 3: State Patrol cars that are even faster and even more aggressive, roadblocks, "Rhino" units. Level 4: Undercover muscle patrol cars that go really fast and are very aggressive, spike strips, roadblocks, helicopters, Heavy "Rhino" Units. Level 5: Police driven Corvette C6's (Need I explain?) and all the other stuff only worse....much worse...this heat is very challenging. The story has you move up through the blacklist by fulfilling certain requirements and then racing the Blacklist member. If you win you get to choose two markers. They range from anything like a unique performance piece to the rivals pinkslip to their car to a get out of jail free token. There is a pattern to getting pink slips but NO I WILL NOT TELL YOU. the pattern changes everytime you turn the console on though so don't get your hopes up. All in all this game is one of the best racing titles I've seen on the Gamecube. If you like racing, buy it! If you like crashing into cops, buy it! If you own a gamecube, you should probably buy it.
Other Helpful Reviews for Need for Speed Most Wanted
Good game play for racing games. Cool bullet time and nitro features. The cop chases are really fun. Lots of nice cars. They still have that car modding going good. Same old ea music. I haven’t seen the carrier mod yet b... Read Full Review
Well lets just start off by saying that this game is way better then carbon and underground 2 ok? MW is the best NFS game soo far. Its good, its worth your money, very big and also the difficulty is alot better making th... Read Full Review