Ok Fun fun fun.This game is sweet!I really loved this game its fun and hard which i like.The cars graphics people sweet!

User Rating: 8.9 | Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 PSP
Ok this game is fun and very kewl.Its grows on you i love the cars they are sweet!Its can be challeging at times which makes it fun!I love the graphics they are really good and the gameplay is great.The cops chasing you is one more part in the race that keeps you from winning and i love it!The customization on cars is sooo sweet and you can keep as many cars as you like.The game is fun and worth the money you spend if you were going to get a racing game i recommend this one.The bosses are fun and you get a lot of money from bosses but i wish the had the scenes in the psp game like they do in the ps2 one.Thank you for your time!