Hot cars ... what a game !!!

User Rating: 8.7 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) PC
NFS Most Wanted is the result of several years worth of whining by NFS fans for another Hot Pursuit type title, and man oh man ... the whining paid off.

NFSMW is very nearly perfect, a mixture of extreme pace, stunning graphics, and annoying cops that just won't leave you alone.

I say very nearly perfect for one simple reason. The fact is that you can only race so much until it starts boring you. That said, NFSMW is a great game to come back to after a bit of a break.

The game has virtually no learning curve at all ... even beginners will be able to settle in fairly quickly ... and the first couple of races are tough enough for someone new to the series without being so difficult that it will scare them off.

NFS has a storyline ... but thats about it. In many ways it's just a rehash of NFSU2, driver coming back from nothing and so on. So it's not like it's never been done before. So from a storyline point of view NFS:MW does lose out a bit. From a racing game point of view ... it wins on all counts ...

Just one more note. Races do become a lot more difficult, technical and challenging as you near completion, and you are likely to become annoyed very quickly when you lose your race right in front of the finish line for the third time in a row. NFS:MW plays catch-up, so don't be too surprised if the opponent you left in your smoke 2 minutes back suddenly roars past you as you are cruising to victory. In this game it's quite possible to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ...