I think this is a wonderful game!!!!! Sure it's different than the others, But it's still the best!!! The sound and graphics are terrific!! And the gameplay gets a 10 out of 10 because of the police chasing. The game has a very high value point also. I've played this game for a total of 80 hours, and I still havn't beaten it. As you progress throughout the game, you will have to collect bounty. You do this by getting involveed in police chases. The police chases are extremely exciting, and it's the only reason why I bought this game. I don't even have online play and I still play it everyday. If you're a racing fan, rent it first, but if you're a Kind of guy who likes to break the law for fun, go buy this at gamestop right now. It's a platinum hit, so it's only 20 bux.
Other Helpful Reviews for Need for Speed Most Wanted
This game is an explosive part of the NFS series. This is so nice and I feel that I am okay with my Xbox until PS3 comes out so I can weigh out options and can get a good version. Thi game provides just enough graphics. ... Read Full Review
okok here is my review well ive played for 5 hour but before i start im french and my english suck so sorry about that.... well like i said this is from the first 5 hour well just starting with a big BMW and finnally ... Read Full Review