A thrilling ride
Pros: The cars. Sure, its no Grand Turismo, but who cares. The main players to me, are all here. The EVOs, Lambros and Dodge Vipers all made their appearances and it was thrilling to ride them. The cop chases are the highlights of the game, although it did get a bit frustrating as the game progresses. But when I made a great sideswipe & witness a huge pile up of police cars behind me, I think I achieved gaming nirvana.
Cons: Whats with the godamn 'rubber band' racing??? My opponent was involved in a 3 car pile up and managed to snake back up my tail in a matter of seconds. Com'on EA I know u want to give us gamers a challenge but this is ridiculous. There is no reward if I race well, as I know pretty soon the other car will be back in my rear-view mirror in no time (and even overtaking). This part of the game seriously sucks for me
Honorable mention: The game has Jose Maran. Nuff said :D