An Aggrovating Experience...
User Rating: 7.3 | Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 PSP
Graphically EA delivered, from the reflections of the car, the tyre smoke to the tyre skid marks. The audio was overall well crafted, the echoing sound of the police siren in the tunnels was a neat touch. The addition of a multiplayer feature creates a longer last value to the game. The inclusion of several popular vehicles was certainly appreciated. As a fan of car tuning, I adored the moments to spend my winnings in upgrades, from the visual to the performance customizations. The loading time was minimal, so I'm pleased to announce you won't have to go make a cup of coffee to pass the time. The method in obtaining new rides is certainly a questionable one. No amount of money would allow you to buy any of the locked cars, you had to beat the bosses (who drove those new rides) in order to be eligible to purchase them. However, as for the AI comes a totally different story. An accurate way to describe the AI would be 'Annoying' at best. You were faced with opponents who are all out 'driving miss daisy' and have obsolutely no intentions whatsoever to even complete the race. Then just when you thought the AI could not get any worse you were challenged by insane over-the-top opponents. You would firmly believe that they had an infinite amount of rocket boosters stashed somewhere, as they can slam into a police barricade and recover to overtake you in a matter of a few seconds tops! As for the addition of the police in the game, well all I could say is that they seem to be on the payroll of your opponents, for they are only interested in you and you only! It does not seem to matter alot to them whether you are coming in first, in-between or last, they want you down simple as that. Oh did I mention they have rocket boosters too? Their recovery rate (after a collision) is 0.5-1.5seconds, no amount of NOS in the world could allow you to outrun these guys. EA should have replaced the police vehicle models with a rocket and have 2 sirens strapped onto them and I would've felt better about it. All in all, it failed to provide an enjoyable experience (which Burnout Legends did). Hopefully, all you readers out there enjoyed this game more than I have...