NFS Underground + Hot Pursuit, what more could you ask for?

User Rating: 9.2 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) PC
Need For Speed: Most Wanted brings back what I considered the greatest addition to any racing series and that is cop chases. You still have all the standard races from Underground 1 and 2 and a few extras, though I think they got rid of the drag mode, tis a shame that was my favorite race type from Underground but the cops make up for it and then some. The cops in this one are REALLY agressive and they never give up. None of this BS "Its getting too dangerious, im pulling back!", No, they stay on your ass untill you either A)Disable all of them and pull away, or B)You are caught. Again, like in Underground 2, its a free roaming map, and you can be tagged by the cops at any time, you dont even have to be in a race.

The graphics have topped themselfs again, with this being the best looking game in the series yet. Real time reflections, shadows, motion blur, and you can have 10 or 15 cops chasing you and I havent noticed a slow down yet, it is deffiantly a smooth running game.

The sound as always spot on, with licenced music, authentic engine sounds, so on so forth. What surprised me the most is the conversations between the dispatch and the cops. I mean they go in deep, its like the sound guys spent a lot of time with real cops just to learn the lingo.

Need For Speed: Most Wanted has it all, fast races, modding cars, huge cop chases, open ended map, and some of the best cars ever made. Go play Need For Speed: Most Wanted, if just for the cop chases alone.