Nice looking game. But that is it. The feel and gameplay hasn't changed much. Keeps getting Boring fast.

User Rating: 6 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) PC
what i have concluded after a couple hours of play:

the good things:
- Some pretty sweet graphics.
- lots of cars , lots of new ones
- new game modes are quite fun
- the police ; they are fun ;although quite stupid

the bad things:
- gets boring fast ; always the same , no orgininal twists.
- more or less the same as NFSU2 , no change in feel or style.
- more or less the same lame story as in the other NFSU games
- crappy car handling ( the car allowes you to do awkward things)
- whats up with the insane speeds?(j/k)
- the crappy engine sounds

I'm quite the critic , i know. But one could say that this is NFSU 1/2 with just some added cops.People who haven't played either NFSU or NFSU 2 will adore this game. But i think that people who have played both will not get what they want.
