Ahh, yet another Great game from EA, Amazing graphics, none-stop gameplay, and fun stuff to do.

User Rating: 9.4 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) PC
Need for speed: Most Wanted shows new hype and innovation when it comes to racing games. Fun gameplay that starts right away, non-stop action, and great visuals. EA brings back the AI with the police for NFS:MW, and they have done a fairly good job, except for the occasional cop flying right bye you or across the screen, they are pretty good, and get tough as the game progresses.

The Good:
- Nice graphics.
- Awesome gameplay. ( Spend hours evading the Police )
- Huge Car list.
- Fun to customize as usual.
- Love the race tracks, a lot of very fun places to drive.
- Great loads of fun.
- Easy to learn and play.

The Bad:
- A bit to easy to Play and learn.
- Cops can come out of no-where sometimes.
- EA is getting better at scripts, but not all there.
- One cop can sometimes bust you when you get stuck.

All in all, one of the best games i played all year, really fun and worth every penny, so go spend some on Need for Speed: Most Wanted.