I was looking forward to this game on the DS but it turned out to be pretty lame! Handling was lame, graphics lame and sound was awful. Did down load the demo for the PC and it plays a lot better. For a portable, I expected a lot better. There really ins't a need for the touch screen at all for this game. Disappointing all around. NFSU was a lot more fun and I thought the graphics on the GBASP was a lot better than the crap they left for the DS. I'll probably return this and but it on the PC.
Other Helpful Reviews for Need for Speed: Most Wanted
this was the worst game on DS i have ever pllayed it has rubbish graphics, terrible customisation and the police chases also suck! seeing as im a 15 year old boy you may understand how shocking it is that i find super p... Read Full Review
Yes folks, this game is most wanted... for its bland graphics and ugly programming. Ok. I not going into to many technical details but this game to compared to NFSU2? No. Just , No. I dont want to hear it. Why is this g... Read Full Review