The games feels nowhere close to what the console versions has to offer. Many of the gamplay modes r missing.
User Rating: 4.5 | Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 PSP
Its surprising that the PSP version of NFSMW is nowhere close in terms of its offering to the fans. In terms of its justification to the potential of the hardwhere of Psp, the only good thing which EA has done is that the graphics of the psp version are exceptional. But thats it . Rest the game is pretty repitative. The psp version lacks so many race modes which MW version of PC and PS2 offers. There is no Free roaming in the game. If u talk abt the fictional city of Rockport, the psp version only takes the name of the city, rest the city looks nowhere like the "Rockport " shown in PC and console versions. there is no storylines or cutscenes which just makes the game look so lame. Its just like take ur car and dive into races one by one and nothing else. If u look at other games like the "midnight club" which have been ported almost as itis to the psp with there city environments and storylines , NFSMW stands just nowhere. Its just a shame that a game which has done so well on consoles has just been downscaled so much on PSP. Its looks the EA just creates these NFS titles just to make money when it comes to the PSP. Same is the story with other NFS titles for the psp like "Undercover", "prostreet" and now even "Shift". I think EA should stop making NFS series for PSP because its just the same logic and downscaled approach in all there NFS titles with no resemblence to its console and PC counterparts.