Kill them cups!! smash them pigs!! good game it is.

User Rating: 9.1 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) PC
Need for speed most wanted, combining the awsome gameplay of underground and the hot police pursuits of the old need for speeds this game deliver a hugh amout of plain fun.

still dont get to excited after a while of playing this game you get so damn bored because after a while you find yourself playing the same races over and over again.

and trust me AI isnt that brilliant so its either very smart or very stupid and the cops as well are either hard to destroy or very easy.

GAMEPLAY. the game is so similar to underground two .. i mean you almost controll you car the same way you did in UG2 stability, power slides
new stuff are here, time breaker .... that thing we find in almost all the game we got on the market now.

you hit a bottom and bam! time slow down and your car amazingly can now steer 180 degree. yeah not very realistic but still fun.

graphics are so awsome i really can't describe it enough but i will only say its so good ..

Audio... the game contain the best sound effects and the worst sound tracks they could get thier hands on ... i mean they put rap, rock and techno music in the game but nothing is as good as the old sound tracks previous games had.

AI.. your opponents are either so cleaver to out run you or so stupid to hit everything on the road so whenever you far ahead they still will catch up with you and outrun you anytime..

one time i was 12+ seconds ahead of a car and 3 seconds after that i found the car next to me.

CAR UPGRADES AND PART , still the same with a hundred added vynles and other stuff...

the city itself looks very similiar to Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2

anyways in the end i have to say that EA finally made a need for speed that reminded us gamers of the revolutionary need for speed that tought gamers what is meant of driving games but still not quite the best in the series..