How To Reck Up Bounty Tip.
User Rating: 8 | Need for Speed Most Wanted PS2
So.. You've decided to get more bounty fairly easily eh ? What you have to do is ... got to the blacklist, then go to bounty and choose the 2 icon for the place you will start at (its about the middle of the map in the city center). Drive straight till the first corner then turn right keep going straight till you get to the bus station make sure you get at least lv 2 heat otherwise the police will lose sight of you fairly fast then drive into the building of the bus station and drive on the second floor if u go to the right side of it and keep driving straight there will be a roof and just stay there as long as you want to when you've decided you got fairly enough bounty then drive off it and drive into the gas station so you lose some cops on the way. Hope it helps ! :D Btw. you get the bounty fairly easy at the higher levels of heat.