Game Title: Most Wanted Game Description: Most Wanted

User Rating: 9 | Need for Speed Most Wanted PS2
You got that right "Need For Speed: Most Wanted", title, tells it all. "The Need For Speed:..." part tells you that it's good. The "Most Wanted" part tells you that it's best.
Well, somebody would ought to stand up for NFS: Carbon but... I gotta tel you, this is much better than Carbon.
I believe this is the first game that integrated a cut scenes that real people and car were used in a 3D background (from which Carbon derive its scenes too).
As for the gameplay, it is a racing game so you expect you would only race and nothing more well, YOU'RE WRONG!!! There are three types of race in this game: First, the CIRCUIT, a race in which you must completes laps to finish. Second, the SPRINT, in which there is no lap, you will just race to the finish line. Third is the LAP KNOCKOUT, where in every lap, the last racer is eliminated from the race. Fourth is the SPEED TRAP, this race is kinda hard, the winner is being judge not by who finish first instead, there were speed radar posted across the race way, as you pass through them, your speed will be register. When you finish the race, your speed in each radar will be summed; the racer with the most speed points wins. Doesn't really necessary need to finish first but its really hard. And lastly, the DRAG RACE. This race concentrates on shifting gears. To steer the car you must only tap the stick so you could concentrate upon shifting.
Do you know CJ? Carl Johnson? The San Andreas Hunk?.. Well.. When he see this game he will envy the car chases with the police. The police chases here are OUTRAGEOUS!! Well.. there's no tanks involved but, once your car became hot... it's pretty hard to shake 'em. To overview how good the chases are, just think... San Andreas' huge world map and roaming + Metal Gear Solid's hiding = NFS:MW's Car Chases... I figured even Hollywood would envy the chases here where Carbon never have.
The AI in this game is the best of all the AIs in any racing game, coz they are NOT PERFECT. They are as dumb as the user could get, but at times or mostly you will scratch your head as you eat their dust. The urban environment is also the best, the racer's are not your enemy, nor the AI, nor the vehicle, it is the environment, the shortcuts and the high angled curves (45 degrees tops). There is an option to slow down time but that's not gonna help you if you don't hit the right timing.
THE GOOD: The chases and races will keep you at the edge of your seat.
The BAD: The Graphics is a little outdated as of this time this review is posted but I would stand that it can compete to the Carbon.