Very fun game, but don't try online until you beat single player..
User Rating: 9 | Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 PSP
This is a great racing game. The way you move up the list is cool and the handling is really smooth, not touchy like Rivals. People say it lacks customization.. Yeah, you can't change your headlights.. who cares seriously. The online puts you against 1 player and 2 computers which is fun but 4 players should be what it is.. The cops are a really cool feature. It is fun to dodge them and make them crash. But there really needs to be a way to slam them out of the way, they completely over power you. The maps are big with lots of shortcuts, and the computers often use them. But, the computers can take ridiculous turns, which can be frustrating. Overall it is the best racing game for the Psp.