If you have the xbox 360 you wil know sort of what NEFMW 5-1-0 is like. It is similar to the 360 NFSMW.

User Rating: 8.8 | Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 PSP
If you have the xbox 360 you wil know sort of what NEFMW 5-1-0 is like. It is similar to the 360 NFSMW. But in the PSP version you cannot free roam. Even thuogh that is one of the main things that make games like this good this game still has its own features that seperate it from the 360 version. Such as it is portable and the xbox 360 is very expensive. This game i would recommend to people who like the games in the Need for Speed series. This game is fun to play and addictive it is definately worth playing. This game is really good.