This is Simply Put, just stupid, insanely awesome, fun.

User Rating: 9 | Need for Speed: Nitro-X DS
Need for Speed Nitro X is well... the polar opposite of a hardcore simulation racer. This is just crazy fun that will last you for a few hours, if you're looking for a really cheap racer for your DSi or 3DS.

+ You can do back-flips over opponents... Yeah...
+ Gnome Smashing
+ Fair Amount of Variety
+ Crazy Over-the-Top racing will keep you coming back for more

- All Cars Feel The Same
- Too Easy
- Pretty Bad Graphics
- Variety doesn't come until later in the game

Presentation: 7/10
Very simple, and when I say that, I mean like, VERY simple.

Graphics: 5/10
It's a DSi ware game, what do you expect?

Sound: 5/10
Really bad sound quality, I just listened to Kanye West and Jay-Z and it made it better

Gameplay: 10/10
Crazy, Over the top, insane, fast, absolutely amazingly fun are a few words I'd use to describe it.

Lasting Appeal: 9/10
You'll be playing this one for quite a while, "Just One More Race" addiction level is dangerously high.

Should I get it?
Do you like racers? Do you have a DSi/3DS? If the answers to those questions were yes, then absolutely get this game.