NFS is off the street?
Most wanted not only introduced police chases to the series but did them better than any game yet and Carbon had the most unlockable content making it the longest of the series but whats so special about prostreet ?
For one pro street is of the streets and on to the circuit. But its much different from its rival Jucied. Pro street Features realistic damage and a completely diferent phisics engine. Taking advantage of PS3s power Pro street looks amazing. With the great visials and real time damage it really offers a unque exsperence. The domnsides are no free roam, no story, no chases. After the poor police chases in Carbon you could'nt exspect much from this game but lose them completely? Thats just uncool. Because your off the street theres a loss of modes no cops no freerome going to the tuner shop or just doing the freerom challages. I do not know the reason for the change from street to track but its not a good one.
Vedict: Get this when yourve finished carbon.