Horrible. This is not only the Worst need for speed game to date, but one of the worst racers ever made! Do Not buy it!
This game is horrible!
The graphics are disgusting. They look a little better than N64 graphics.
Pixley blurry bland and Blah.
The gameplay is equally just as bad as it looks.
Stupid one button press nitro system, the hand brake is now worthless.
If you use the hand brake your car just comes to a complete stop.
I played the demo and was discusted, but I have allways loved nfs games, Most wanted and carbon were awesome, so I figured the demo wasn't doing the full product justice.
Well I made the huge mistake of buying the game, and it is the worst racing game I have bought in a long time.
I honestly don't know what EA was thinking by actually allowing this game to be released like this.It is so bad future patches can'r even save it.
It seems to me that EA had some newbie Dev team that had no prior experience in making pc games make this Sorry exscuse for a Need for speed game.
I always felt you can't go wrong with a need for speed game, but now you can. It's called Need for speed prostreet,and it's a waste of time money and your life.