AHH....ok...this is nfs ? you mean the best racer series ? ummm .... are you sure ?

User Rating: 6.5 | Need for Speed: ProStreet PC
OK. Great graphic. Great atmosphere. Great commentating. And oh yeah, the chix beside the car is the best of the series. Nice ideas for racing. At least EA Games have done a great job to show those crazy races down the street that theres something called race track where you can drive safely. But then? Cars don't take turns, you have to slow down to some 20 to get a proper turn. Is that a racing game then? Good to make realistic but there should be some spice of fast race. The handling sucks BIG TIME. Plus its good to have options but THIS MUCH? You have to be an car expert or something equivalent to do this game running with a car that you have easily modified in the previous versions. Overall, nice graphic, nice idea but WORST handling which just wasted the mood of racing.