I don't like this game. But I'll write a review because I like making fun of the EA games.
I still remember the days when I had fun driving around at 300MPH with my Mercedes-Benz destroying cars and houses. It obviously wasn't realistic, but NFS did introduce something new into the series, and the idea of going against hundreds of police car was just simply entertaining.
The NFS: PS took a huge turn from those ideas, and now the game is trying to go all white, no underground races, and all 100% genuinely legal races. The game developers say it still has street kind of feeling but I still don't really feel it. The game makes it so hard for me to find its identity, and there's nothing flashy about this game.
The best part of this game is probably its new driving engine (I don't know if there's such thing, but let's just say there is..)and it makes the driving more realistic compared to their previous titles from NFS. Driving at 200MPH and hitting a tree won't let you still drive away in one piece anymore. All the crashes don't seem to be scripted and I sometimes just enjoy watching the wrecked vehicle.
Other than that, everything else is not really attractive. I read gamespot's review before I played the game so maybe I was looking for those factors during the game, but they were mostly right. Their voice acting is so horrible, there's nothing that can describe how bad it is. Oh yeah, I can say this. It sounds like the voice actor really really didn't want to take the job, but EA gave him so much money, he just had to take the offer. Yes, it's that bad.
There are lots of advertisement, but it's not like they put the add right in the middle of screen. Usually you won't notice the ads because you're too concentrated on the driving. This one, however, is the game with the most in game advertisement I have ever seen to date.
That's about it. The real problem with this game is that there aren't really anything too great nor too horrible (except the voice acting). There are already lots of racing games whose goal is to provide the most realistic driving experience. NFS: PS doesn't even provide the most realistic driving experience but it has lost its own NFS flavor as well. I feel a lot of long lasting NFS fans will be disappointed and leave the series.
Either way, this game shouldn't be on the top 10 of your holiday shopping list. Because for both the fan of NFS series or racing games and other casual gamers, this won't be appealing for too long.